This short (11s) clip shows what appears to be a minor being interrogated by an officer. It was posted on LiveLeak under the title 'Lebanese secret service abuse'. We have no way of guaranteeing that it is genuine. The person who posted it appears to have islamist links from the content of his other posts on LiveLeak. On the other hand the accents are Lebanese and the uniforms are used by the Internal Security Forces (ISF). The purpose of posting it on Arabdemocracy is not to single out the Lebanese authorities. They can hardly be compared to their more ruthless counterparts across the Middle East. Rather the message should be that this type of abuse under police custody is unacceptable anywhere. But faced with the terrorist threat some might disagree!
I agree with you that this kind of abuse is unacceptable anywhere. As for a 'terrorist threat', that is a flimsy excuse used by Americans to justify torture and maintain their sham 'exceptionalism'.
terrorist threat is a matter of fact... the problem is not whether it is used by the americans or whoever to justify a certain kind of response. the reality is that the terrorists, and that's how they should be called by the way, are taking the arab and muslims and middle easterns as hostages when they re making moves. what s the relation of fath el islam with islam? how can muslim doctors in the UK treat people during the day and try to kill others during the night? do you accept that as an arab? as a muslim? well i don't. the way forward is now for arab laics to take over, and taking over in a way that rejects extremism, without having to be pro american. and in order to be able to do that, the leftovers of arab nationalism have to stop considering the radical islamists with "harakat al taharrour al watani", only because these violent neo-islamists (from hezbollah, and hamas, to el qaeda) are anti americans... actually, they re giving the US all the reasons to react in a badly racist and unjustified way!
sorry i mean confusing not considering....
"But faced with the terrorist threat some might disagree!"
That is a sure way to guarantee the death of any democracy.
You guys really think we deserve democracy (we = arabs) ??? give an arab a democracy, and he/she will destroy it in a second. We Arabs are not a mature people...the best we can hope for now is "enlightened" dictators.
How to change that ? this blog (and other initiatives) is a beginning...but be patient,it's a process that might take 300 years...(it took Europe 1000 years to change their feodal culture to a democratic one)
o yeah man, go to youtube and search for (police abuse arab/egypt...) and there are dozens of them, it is not that it just happen in Egypt, but these are the ones which went online, very sad and disturbing indeed
yes i m sure we will not see that, this is sure a generations process... maybe 300 years, maybe more... but what i do not agree with you on is the "giving" of a democracy. this is something that will be destroyed anyway by the one u GIVE it for... unless it is a process that is locally matured and created, this can never succeed... it's just like giving a kid a normal toy, he will destroy it when he s bored with it, but if you give him a model (maquette), that will take him hours of work to fix it, he can keep it forever on his desk coz he builded it...about enlightened dictators...again that fascist temptation i think we have passed that stage to the islamist phase: Mubarak, Assad, Saddam before, Abdullah (Ryad), Abdullah (Jordan), Kadhafi... they re all threatened to fall. unfortunately, those who threaten them are not the modern powers but the dark and religious ones!
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